SCA Letter Regarding Concern over King County Council Motion on Committees

January 27, 2025

 King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay

RE: King County Council Motion


Dear President Zahilay:

It has come to our attention that the Council may be considering a motion tomorrow which will alter the process for bringing issues forward for consideration.

Since 1994, all issues have passed through committees before being presented to the Council.  We believe this is not only the most efficient process, but it; is critical to the judicious consideration of issues, eliminates first-impression bias, and allows thorough vetting of a variety of stakeholders before the final decision-makers hear and weigh policy.

Presenting information to the King County Council before it has been reviewed and vetted by committees would be disrespectful of the committee process and the investment of stakeholders.  We believe this possible recommendation may easily demoralize participants with the message that their voice is futile, and reduce essential input and vetting in the future.

If this issue is brought forward, we urge you to please weigh carefully and consider the crucial role that committees play in not only vetting policy before it is heard by Council, but offering alternate opinions and solutions to the issues we face in our diverse region.



Traci Buxton, Sound Cities Association President


cc: Councilmember Rod Dembowski; Councilmember Sarah Perry; Councilmember Jorge L.  Barón; Councilmember Claudia Balducci; Councilmember Pete Von Reichbauer; Councimember Teresa Mosqueda; Councilmember Regan Dunn; King County Executive Dow Constantine

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